
Here it is ! The one stop shop to get to know me and all of my projects. Want to get in touch? Drop me a line.


I am quite a driven individual, always looking for more knowledge and puzzles to solve.

My quest for knowledge and self development has led me to study four degrees; BSc and MSc in Finance from Stockholm School of Economics, a BSc in Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology and an MSc in International Management from CEMS. And am currently studying Real Estate, as it is my firm belief that keeping your brain sharp takes constant work – its like physical exercise, your mind needs training as well.

I have worked the last 10 years in Finance and Tech, and took the step to living the entrepreneur life last year. Sense I started my own consultancy (Hvitravnur AB, hvitravnur.com) I have also started an e-commerce site (tvalbutiken.se) and participated in the Cohort 5 program (FEB-APR 2021) of the tech early stage VC Antler (antler.co) to find my future co-founders.


In this page, you will find more info on the business, projects and ideas I am currently engaged in:

Hvitravnur AB, my consultancy business where I help companies on an interim and gig basis.

TvÄlbutiken, an e-commerce selling hand made soap, produced locally by soap makers in Sweden. This page is now closed, pending its sale.

TailSense, a price comparison website for cat and dog products in Sweden đŸ±âž•đŸ¶


Udemy course

Title: Digital Transformation – a beginner’s guide

Published: 2022-05-19

A hands on course on the subject of Digital Transformation, where I get to summarize my competences in the subject and hone my video editing and filming skills, amongst other things.


Title: “The Leverage Effect”
Published: 26th of November, 2021

Title: “HĂ€vstĂ„ngseffekten”
Published: 1st of September, 2021

Title: “InsurTech – Digitalizing the Insurance Industry”
Published: 18th of May, 2021


Platform: Android, using Kotlin

App name: Receptappen

Receptappen (“The Recipe App” in English) is an app that allows you to add/remove items to a grocery shopping list, to add your own custom made recipes and to create and edit weekly menus.

Read about my journey from zero app coding experience to the finalization and release of Receptappen on my company page!

You can follow Receptappen on instagram, @receptappen!

Articles and publications

Systematic Trend-Following Managed Futures Funds – A Basic Review

Publication date Oct 21, 2013 at Opalesque.com

publication description A short study of the systematic trend-followers found in the IASG database relative to a
number of factors, including strategy returns distribution.

Managed Futures Strategies – Support Vector Machines as a Due Diligence Tool

Publication date Jul 1, 2013 at Stockholm School of Economics

My Master thesis! Using a learning algorithm tool to classify managed futures funds, in the due diligence process.

Usability in IT systems of financial firms – a distant dream or reality?

Publication date Jun 1, 2010 at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)

My Bachelor thesis!
“Banks have long been early adopters of technology; when it comes to usability, this thesis shows that they are also early adopters of new academic research. The problem is not adoption of a usability way of thinking, but in the way this is communicated in an organization. This thesis argues that HCI research needs to shift focus to the organizational aspect of actually implementing usability, no matter which definition of usability is used.

A greater focus on usability work in the form of usability evaluation and inclusion of end users in iterative IT development projects will not only be beneficial for banks’ cost reduction efforts, it will also be beneficial for the external users of the banks’ IT-systems, the private consumers, in the form of more usable and time efficient systems.

Different usability evaluation methods need to be used, depending on the particular function or system to be evaluated. This thesis argues that VSM is an easy to use method that can be implemented when evaluating the usability of a system or function.”


Min Stora Sorg – “Inte OK”

Made a small cameo in this music video, when I used to play for the American Football team Stockholm Mean Machines (SMM).

“Sp4zie & Athena Kör American Football!”

A collab with Coca-Cola TV to promote the DjurgÄrden American Football ladies team that I had established in 2016. I had told them I was a noob, but as a team lead and founder it fell upon me to improvise and do my best in explaining the basics of American Football and holding an impromptu training camp.

Media and press

Medium – blog post

Title: Data quality + source of truth = decisions that make sense

Image source: mercurymediatechnology.com

Blog post in the Volvo Cars Engineering Medium page, on the subject of data quality and decision making.


Date: 2021-07-06

Title: ”FörsĂ€kringsbranschen kan bli nĂ€sta sektor att stöpas om” (in Swedish)

Date: 2021-01-28

Title: “Hon lyfter lokala tvĂ„lmakare: ”KrĂ€vs tid, blod, svett och tĂ„rar” (in Swedish)